Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Have-nots

A young girl working her second shift,
in a factory on the outskirts of Guangdong,
sticking the last "Made in China" sticker,
just before she returns home by bus,
away from the loud groaning machinery.

Grateful for the big order this month,
for the extra cash that she would send home,
and keep 20 yuan back perhaps for a treat,

She felt like a princess today,
This was it; the last batch of memorabilia,
"The Royal Wedding- William & Kate".


Parth said...

Nice one. As an aside, one of the memorabilia for the wedding actually created controversy because it had a photo of the other prince, Harry :)

Radha said...

haha! really? they got the wrong prince?

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Very nice! it's been so long since I heard that expression "the have-nots"......i am sure if i use it here in US, I will get the weird look with a "say what!!" :DDDD

lol @ Parth's! he does make a more interesting prince :)

clickable said...
