It was all about family reunions in the cities (H's brother's family lives near LA; met with my cousin golfing goddesses in Vegas after I don't know how many years & then met with my cousins-I-grew-up-with in San Francisco & took a road trip to Monterey). As Indian family reunions go, a lot of great food was consumed in every city (the food in San Fran was outstanding, and in LA we dined at Robert DeNiro's fine dining restaurant one evening - how Hollywood :))
We spent the next week in the mountains: first in Yosemite & then in Napa. Yosemite was gorgeous and I feel like I've seen heaven now! There was a moment in our bike ride when we came face-to-face with a baby deer & its going to be one of the most beautiful moments of my life. The cliffs, the meadows, the waterfalls, the sun, the nippy breeze, the pines, the rocks....I have 600-odd pictures on my camera! The weekend in Napa was about, what else but wine, wine, and wine :) I can actually tell the difference between two kinds of wine now! That's a victory of sorts.