Friday, December 10, 2010

2010 in retrospect

It's that time of the year again! 2010 flew by; it was probably the fastest and busiest year of my life. The little toddler at home was definitely the highlight of the year. I don't think I ever consciously chose it, but work, friends and rest of the family took a backseat in my life this year - I was too busy being a mum; it consumed all my energy and heart and soul. There's positive growth to report on that front - While in 2009 I was an anxious, apprehensive mum; in 2010 I was a more confident mum and happier for it. So K may be a sugar-junkie and late on his potty-training milestones; but he is perfect & I am unfussed.

While H adapted easily to being a banker by day & a dad by evening; I had difficulty taking off my mother-hat that easily and was caught wearing it at work many times! Fortunately, I have a hugely supportive bunch of people at work.

I watched more TV in 2010 than ever before. And used the 'pause' button on the tv remote more frequently then ever before. Dining-in was always prefered to going out; and there was never enough incentive to wear that pretty black dress. But off-late, I am getting myself out of the rut. I dropped a size this year; yay! That got me motivated to pay some attention to personal grooming. I have a love-hate relationship with my new hairstyle (I love it the day its blow-dried & styled in the salon; hate it the following day). And as soon as I finish writing this post, I'm going to get an appointment for a pedicure.

That brings me to my resolution for the next year - I want 2011 to be more about me. I think I'll always be a mother first (as if I have a choice about that!) but I know I can be other things too. It takes energy & time, and I will work towards finding that.


KAD said...

Ha! This almost sounds like the Chairman's address at the beginning of an annual report!! Good fun and hope you have a great 2011.

Radha said...

And a happy 2011 to you too!

Aquin. said...

"I will always be a mother first" but I know I can be other things too. Now that's a real mantra that I could do with.