Thursday, January 04, 2007

The New Year & all that jazz

We had a blast in our short holiday to India. The lesson learnt: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to believe that everything everyone says is funny. But now its back to Dubai & life as usual.

I’ve been thinking about what my new year’s resolution should be and can’t make up my mind between ‘Get Himanshu to quit smoking’ and ‘Check my blackberry less frequently'. Both would’ve been really ambitious resolutions, so I finally chose a third option which was ‘Listen to music more often’. I’ve also made a mental wishlist of the holidays I want to take, the work I want to do & the books I want to read in the year.

So here I am, all optimistic about another ambitious & exciting new year! Happy New Year to all !


Al Nims Media said...

The Mumbai pic has a European tinge...have a great 2007!

Radha said...

Wish you the same!